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"Whatever the problem, community is the answer." - Meg Wheatley, Berkana Institute
As a social mission gathering space, we support grassroots global change makers, and all international community members in feeling welcomed, sharing stories, projects, opportunities, challenges and growth. What happens here is co-created.
We are a space of hope and possibility, to remind, encourage and give us tools that help us build the world we want ourselves and our children to inherit.
Come on and join us!
As a social mission gathering space, we support grassroots global change makers, and all international community members in feeling welcomed, sharing stories, projects, opportunities, challenges and growth. What happens here is co-created.
We are a space of hope and possibility, to remind, encourage and give us tools that help us build the world we want ourselves and our children to inherit.
Come on and join us!
This fall, Kafenia focused on building WELCOME, supported by Collectives: Global Heartbeat, Peacebuilding, Storytelling and Welcoming Collectives. They drive us along our Learning Journey of building a Village of All Together, inspired by 3 principles that are the foundation of everything we do
WELCOME to be yourself, from your heart, from every land in our world. (FALL 2019)
CONNECT & BUILD BRIDGES with each other across cultures, backgrounds, meaningfully, deeply, while highlighting that our shared humanity is stronger than our national identity. (WINTER 2020)
PARTICIPATE in sharing who you are, your roots, new paradigms and your gifts in building a more humane world, in our Kafenia space, (SPRING 2020)
…..and do everything in the spirit of reflection, learning & community.
We held our Second Annual Community Peace Meal honoring war survivors in Libera and Cote d'Ivoire on June 9th, 2018! The event sold out and raised enough to rebuild a school and assist with restoration for a local community by fall! We are taking time off this summer & will return with even more offerings in the fall.
We have had monthly circles since November 2016 through May 2018, each season culminating in a Peace Meal in solidarity with friends affected by war and conflict. Each gathering explores a primal theme - welcome, the land, democracy, sound - in a culturally-rooted heartfelt way. Our 1st Peace Meal centered on Libya and went viral across Libya! (30,000 likes!) Our 2nd Peace Meal centered on Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia and included storytelling circles & dancing under the fig tree village-style.
Check out some of our previous gatherings below.
2nd Annual Peace Meal June 2018
2017-2018 Pop Up Season
Winter 2017-18
Spring 2018
Peace Meals: Bridging Cultures with FoodThese gatherings give participants an embodied experience of other cultures by sharing foods and stories around food.
Why? Sharing food deepens community and connections and, like personal stories, gives one a practical connection and pathway to engage more meaningfully. |
Heartfelt Gatherings and Meaningful ConnectionsSpring 2018Gatherings and talks from people from or returned from afar help translate abstract "over there" events into personal, heartfelt experiences of connection with people, art and heart.
Why? Heart and personal connections help reduce overwhelm and light a clearer path for engagement based on relationship. |
Participate in the World!If you could move the needle on one issue, what would it be?*
The Kafenia helps you connect with the incredible global work based in the Bay Area, and offers practical ways (connections to groups, on site-volunteering) to do it.. Why? It can be overwhelming to decide how to engage or when to find the time. Our staff and programming will help you engage regularly, with community and help you identify what resonates for you. This is a pathway between the great efforts and the wider public that is missing right now. **After Rachel sent photos to Liberia, "the president of the cooperative, Agathe, came to the market with a photo of the Peace Meal, and the whole village came to look, and they started singing and celebrating. When the chief of the village saw that we raised enough to rebuild a school, he started crying. He couldn't believe it." |